Hi I am Pratibha

I am an author by choice, speaker by love and marketeer by passion not in that order.I believe behind all B2B systems, behind B2C brands, behind game changing technologies, sits a PERSON thinking, feeling, buying and making decisions. I write on humanizing brands marketing technology and leadership to create value for that thinking feeling buyer. Read on if you are THAT PERSON OR WANT TO REACH HIM/HER.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Being Social is not JUST posting on Facebook? Digital marketing is not JUST a Banner Ad? Then what exactly is Digital and Social Marketing?

Arun is an outstanding marketer in a top IT firm. Being 42 years old and having come from a media background, he is absolutely the Media guru in his team!

Shilpa is brilliant digital marketer. She reports to Arun. Coming from an agency background, she knows everything about email campaigns, running banner ads and promoting a facebook page.

Arun and Shilpa have put in 12-14 hours of long and hard working hours every single day for the last one quarter. They were leading a new product launch. Their plan was perfect!! Arun led the print Ads and TV commercials. Shilpa ran a facebook campaign and gained multiple twitter followers for their organizational product brand.

However, 3 months down the line, Arun and Shilpa are sitting in the executive office with the CMO and Sales Leader. The Product launch was termed "COLD". But the team had covered it all?


Marketing has changed in the last 5 years much more than the last 50. While the Aruns of the world have seen a fundamental shift in the way we go to market in the course of their career, the Shilpas of the world are the vibrant youngsters full of Social media knowledge. But is marketing all about these stand-alone pieces? Who stitches the story together? What should be a marketer's strategy in this digital world?

MEET KAVISH GOEL, an Indian top B-school alumnus, Marketing Leader and Social Media guru working with one the fortune top ten companies.

In this ten minute podcast, Kavish has helped clear fundamental doubts about the approach to embrace social media marketing and what should be the right mindset!

HEAR ON if you want to know how the digital gurus are approaching the marketing challenge..

Podcast Link - Here